
Images used for the layout (and linking buttons) are from the new AUS covers for the series, unveiled in 2014. These in themselves are painted by the talented Sebastian Ciaffaglione (I'd suggest checking out his tumblr as well). Other images used throughout the site come from the UK edition covers.

Patterns used are from subtlepatterns.

Fonts used are Abel, Lora, Futura LT Condensed, and Violation. The first two are sourced directly from Google Fonts, and the final one from dafont. Futura was default on my computer.

Does the walker choose the path? © Rems 2016.

Old Kingdom belongs to Garth Nix; I have no connection to him nor his publishers. Snippets from the books are provided as a means for context only and are typed up from the UK editions by myself. This site is the creation of a fan, and is only meant to share my love for the series and its characters, its world, and its mythos - it is factual as well as speculative.

No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from the running of this site.